Dictionary of Terms in Event Organization

Dictionary of Terms in Event Organization

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Like any other field, the event industry also has its own specialized terminology. Mastering these terms is essential for anyone working in the industry, helping the process of exchanging information and working effectively, especially in an international environment. Let's explore the most common terms in the Event industry right after this.


1. Award Ceremony: An event to honor winners and winning works. In addition to recognizing achievements, awards ceremonies also help promote, increase recognition, and even bring in profits.

2. Event Manager: The person responsible for organizing, coordinating and ensuring the event runs smoothly. Event managers need to have planning skills, handle situations, and control progress. In Vietnam, this field is still new, mainly self-taught or studying abroad, only a few large companies have professional event managers.

3. Banquet Hall: Large hall with a capacity of thousands of people, used for weddings and corporate events. Reservations are required to avoid running out of space, especially at the end of the year when demand is high.

4. Honored Guest: An important person invited to speak and share, not simply an event attendee.

5. Opening Ceremony: Marks the beginning of a business, to promote, attract customers and pray for favorable business.

Event Organization Terminology
Event Organization Terminology


In addition to basic terminology, the event industry also has many important technical terms. Below is a list of common terms that event planners need to know:

A&B Bed and breakfast summary, specifically used at many meeting venues
Advance Registration

Pre-Event Reservations. This form allows attendees to register prior to the event by email, phone, internet or fax.

Agency Companies providing communication services
Artistic director Art direction
Alacarte is a type of menu that allows customers to order individual dishes according to their preferences. The number of dishes prepared depends on the number of people and the taste of the guests.
Attendees Participants
Audio Conferencing In this type of conference, a third party can participate remotely via an analog telephone line, without having to be physically present in the conference room. Interaction in the conference can be one-way or two-way.
Audio Visual Aids Audiovisual accessories
Auditorium Performance hall
AV system (Audio Visual System)

Sound and lighting system.


B&B Bed and breakfast
B2B Business to business
B2C Business to consumer
Back Curtain Backstage and stage curtains
Backstage Backstage
Badge Badges, cards
Baffle Partition
Banquet hall Large banquet room
Banquet room Banquet room
Brief Customer requirements summary


Celebrity (Celeb) Celebrities, celebrity guests
Central Console Sound and light control center
Client Customers pay for products/services
Commission Commission
Conference Centre Venue for seminars, presentations, meetings
Conference Pack Conference and seminar information
Confetti cannon Glitter Shooter
Confirmation Confirm
Contingency Plan Contingency Plan
Crowd control Instructions are provided to participants to guide them to move in an orderly manner to avoid congestion.
Cue Signal to alert performers, singers, or sound and lighting technicians
Chair cover Chair Cover
Charter Often used with events involving aircraft, ships. For rent or supply.
Check in Check in when guests arrive
Check list List of items to be done in the event
Check Out When the guests leave


DB&B Dinner, bed and breakfast
Delegate Delegates, VIP guests
Director Director


Electrical confetti flare
Emergency action plan

Emergency action plan, or risk response plan

Electrical outlet Power outlet
Event Agenda Program script
Event coordinator Event Coordination
Event Executive Event Management
Event Manager Event Management
Event planner Event planning
Event Supervisor Event monitoring
Exhibition Exhibition


F&B (Food & Beverage) Food and drink
Feedback Feedback, or in sound engineering, the harshness of sound produced by a microphone reaching a speaker.
Flip chart The stand holds A2 size papers, can be flipped like a wall calendar, used for presentations.
Floor Plan Diagram of table, chair, path, stage arrangement
Follow-up Activities that occur after the event, distinct from Evaluation, which means learning from experience and evaluating after the event.
Foyer The hall
Front screen projection

Front projection, use a projector placed in front of the screen and project directly onto the screen .


Gala dinner Party, dinner
Generator Generator
Gooseneck Stand on the podium to place the microphone, can be adjusted to any length
Greeting gate Welcome Gate
Group Booking Book a room for a group of people
Guest Event attendees
Guiding board Signage


Head Table VIP Table
Herringbone Style Fishbone pattern table and chair arrangement.
Hidden costs Hidden costs
Hollow Square Style Square table and chair arrangement, with chairs on the outside and hollow inside (often used for conferences)
Honored guest

VIP speaking at event, but not attending


In house or in door event

Indoor Events

Industrial marquee Industrial tents
In-kind Donation of goods and materials not related to money
Inside booth or Inline booth The amount of space available for display in a booth
Installation Installation



Key Moment t Key moments of the show


Lanyard A lanyard used to hang a badge.
Lapel Microphone Lapel microphone
Laser Pointer Laser pen
Lav mic (lavalier microphone, or pendant mic, necklace mic, lapel mic) Small wireless microphone worn around the neck or collar
Lectern Podium
Lectern/podium Podium for speaking on stage
Lost and found place Lost and found


Marketing/Publicity Management Marketing/Event Promotion Management
Marquee Large tent, running light box
Marshalling yard Where trucks can enter and wait before delivering goods into the exhibition area
Masking drapes Cover storage or areas you don't want anyone to see
Master of the Ceremonies - MC Host
Master Plan Master plan
Move - out Dismantling process
Move - in The process of setting up an event


On-site Event venue
Onsite registration Register on the spot at the event location or on the day of the event, different from pre registration
Open Bar Free Drinks Place
Out house or outdoor event Outdoor events


Place cards A guide for recording the names of attendees, placed on the table, usually in the form of cards.
Plywood Plywood
Post event meeting Meeting after the program
PPM (Pre-Production Meeting) Is a meeting to deploy and announce the production plan including client, agency, producer and director before the event date.
Pre event meeting Pre-program meeting
Press Kit or Media Kit Documents used in press conferences for reporters and journalists
Press Release or Media Release Press release
Print broker Person responsible for printing related issues
Projector Presentation equipment
Proposal Content, overall plan of the program.


Reader board Board or electronic board listing the day's events at the venue
Ready room Room for meeting, resting, testing sound and light or preparing before and during the event
Red rope barrier Barriers used to separate areas, connected by red velvet ropes
Rehearsal General rehearsal, test run the program
Rider Costs of paying or meeting artist requirements outside of contract
Rigger or Rigging Specialist Engineers or people with expertise in assembling equipment at height
Risk Risk


Site plan Site Map
Serpentine Tables Curved table
Script Script
Schedule Progress
Siteboard Control Panel
Sitecheck Site survey
Spot Light Light is used to illuminate a performer.
Sprinkler system Sprinkler system
Stage platform Stage floor
Stagehand Backstage worker
Standby Everything is ready
Staple gun Stapler, for punching cardboard, plywood
Supplier Supplier


Tablecloth Tablecloth
Tarp Tarpaulin
Turnover Set up again in a different way
Theatre Style Theater-style seating setup
Theme event Event theme
Three prong converter 3 pin socket


U-Shape Style Setup U-shaped seating position
Usher usher


VAT Value Added Tax
Vegan Vegetarian food
Venue Location, where the event takes place


Walkie talkie Walkie talkie
Waitlist Waiting list
Wings Stage wings



Hotline: 0362.209.208


Gmail: hsvmedia03@gmail.com

Address: 184/20 Le Dinh Can, Tan Tao Ward, Binh Tan District, HCMC

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