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What is Workshop? Workshop Organization Process

  • 01/02/2023
  • The term "workshop" is gradually becoming popular in Vietnam and HSV Media is sure that many times you have heard "workshop" from people around or seen it online. In the following article, let's learn about the workshop with HSV Media as well as the process of organizing the workshop!


    Workshop is a workshop for participants to exchange knowledge, skills, experience, etc. in many different fields.

    Here, you will hear speakers or experienced people talk about a variety of knowledge and the participants will be asked questions. From here, everyone can share and learn more useful information and knowledge.


    Currently, at schools or some businesses, companies regularly organize workshops because workshops bring the following benefits:

    - Participants will learn more knowledge and skills from the speakers.

    - Help improve necessary skills such as communication skills, teamwork skills,...

    - Learned a lot from the seniors who went before.

    Workshop is a place to expand relationships, find more partners and potential customers.

    - Businesses organizing workshops will save marketing, communication and brand promotion costs.

    - Helps develop creativity and thinking ability.

    Benefits of the workshop


    Workshop is one of the increasingly popular activities in Vietnam. Currently, there are 4 types of workshops held very popularly, including:

    1. Workshop to share knowledge and experience

    This is considered the easiest and most popular type of organization today. This workshop usually takes place from 2 to 5 hours with a scale of a few dozen to several hundred people. The opening part of this workshop will be a time for speakers, where they will share their knowledge, experience and skills. The rest of the time is for everyone to ask questions and discuss problems together. After such information sharing sessions, participants can learn a lot of useful knowledge.

    2. Training Workshop

    This type is often used by companies and businesses internally for the purpose of improving the experience and professionalism of employees. Here, you not only learn professional knowledge but also receive practical instruction right at the seminar. The majority of participants in the knowledge sharing session are employees who want to improve their skills.

    3. Practical workshop

    Practical workshops are held popularly in many fields such as cooking, art flower arrangement, fashion, etc. working time. The rest of the time, attendees can practice and experience directly under the guidance of experts.

    Practical Workshop

    4. Wokshop marketing

    Workshop marketing is held on a large scale that can range from 100 to 1000 attendees. This type will often have the participation of many famous speakers coming to share and exchange experiences. In addition, the seminar will be attended by many famous brands and industry experts with the aim of promoting the brand widely or introducing new products.


    To organize a successful workshop depends on many factors. It is necessary to orient and develop a good plan to create a successful sharing session and leave an impression on attendees.

    Here are the steps to running a successful workshop:

    1. Prepare a plan

    Before organizing the workshop, you need to clearly define the goals, the time of the activities and the results to be achieved after the program ends.

    You need to plan carefully to reach the right audience and manage the need to make a list of the number of participants. Prepare all the equipment, choose the appropriate venue.

    2. Determine the role of the audience

    Each position in the workshop will have different roles and responsibilities. You need to make a specific list of units and individuals participating in the program. In a workshop, each person will have their own role, so it is necessary to assign a specific and appropriate note-taker and coordinator. The identification of the audience helps the operation to achieve high results and become more professional. In order for participants to be well prepared, you need to discuss and inform in advance the activities and scenarios of that day.

    3. Select the venue

    Depending on the number of attendees to choose a suitable venue. Small number of less than 10 people should choose conference rooms. The number of attendees ranges from a few dozen to a few hundred, so choose outdoor locations to create a more comfortable and effective space.

    4. Carry out the organization according to the plan

    The moderator will open the workshop with greetings and a brief introduction about the time frame of the program. During the workshop, attendees should listen to the sharing of experts. These will be very useful knowledge that will probably answer many of your questions. You can ask questions to discuss to make the activity more lively, to achieve higher results.

    5. Summarize and learn from experience

    Towards the end of the event, the moderator will summarize the program. Answer and complete all questions posed by attendees. The next step is to send documents to attendees.

    How to organize a workshop


    Organizing a successful workshop depends on many factors, however, there are some rules you need to know for the most successful and effective workshop:

    1. Respect each other's views and opinions

    The workshop is a place for everyone to share skills and experiences together, so each person has an opinion and there is no distinction of right or wrong. Therefore, everyone's opinions should be respected.

    2. Discuss in the spirit of sharing and learning

    The workshop is organized for the purpose of sharing experiences, so everyone comes to learn new things from the speaker and the people around.

    3. Focus on discussing the main issue

    Because the workshop only takes place for a certain period of time. Therefore, you should not waste that learning time on fringe issues but must focus on listening and absorbing the main issues.

    4. Discuss within the time allowed

    In the workshop, there were many items mentioned and shared from the guests. Therefore, you need to listen and only discuss with those around you during the duration of the program.

    5. There should be a summary and a final conclusion

    To have a successful workshop, everyone needs to have all questions related to the topic answered. Before the end of the program, everyone needs to have a consensus on the shared knowledge and discussion to achieve the set goals.

    HSV MediaHope the above article will give you a lot of useful information about the workshop. Thereby, you can organize a successful and effective workshop yourself. HSV Media - The company specializing in organizing and renting event equipment is pleased to serve you.


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