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Event License Application Process

  • 01/03/2023
  • The organization of events to market products, promote brand image, fashion events, music, ... cannot be organized arbitrarily, but must comply with the provisions of the law on the field of event organization. . Therefore, the procedure for applying for an event permit is always a top concern when individuals and businesses want to organize an event. To avoid violations as well as other unnecessary issues, please refer to the article below with HSV Media for more information on event organization procedures.


    Currently, all events organized by enterprises must obtain permits from state agencies such as:

    • Product launch press conference
    • Running roadshow
    • Festival
    • Exhibitions
    • Fashion show
    • Performing Arts
    • Beauty contests
    • Conferences,…

    Besides, there will be small events of a personal nature such as weddings, birthdays, parties, .. do not need to apply for a permit.


    Based on the nature and scale of each event that falls under the licensing authority of a certain agency, namely:

    • For small and medium-sized domestic events, the People's Committee of the province, the Department of Culture and Sports in the province or city where the event is held will be the place to receive and process the application.
    • For large-scale events, conducted in two or more provinces or cities, the licensing authority is usually the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Industry and Trade or the Ministry of Information and Communications. the media,…
    Procedures for applying for an event permit
    Procedures for applying for an event permit


    Individuals or businesses intending to organize an event will have to apply for an event permit at least 10 days before the event. For fashion shows, beauty contests, events, and programs that need to be approved, the organizers need to submit documents at least 30 days in advance.


    1. Organize music performances

    An application for a license to organize a music performance includes:

    • Application for permission to organize a performance: in the application, it is necessary to specify the time, place, content of the performance, ...;
    • Notarized copy of the operating license of the organization unit;
    • Contract to rent a venue for a music show;
    • Lyrics recording;
    • Certificate of payment of copyright and rights of the owner of the performance work.
    Organize a music show
    Organize a music show

    2. Exhibition organization

    Dossier to apply for an exhibition permit includes:

    • An application for permission to organize an exhibition: the application must clearly state the location, time and contents of the exhibition;
    • List of works to be exhibited.
    • List of actual authors of the work to be exhibited;
    • Contract for renting the exhibition venue;
    • Template of invitation card to attend the exhibition.
    Organize an art exhibition
    Organize an art exhibition

    3. Organize fashion shows

    An application file for a license to organize a fashion show includes:

    • Application for permission to organize a fashion show;
    • List of models, designers attending;
    • Models of costumes to be performed;
    • Contract for renting the venue;
    • The review must be held at least 5 days before the fashion show takes place.
    Organize a fashion show
    Organize a fashion show

    4. Hold a press conference

    An application file for a license to hold a press conference includes:

    • Application for permission to hold a press conference;
    • Business registration certificate of the enterprise or organizational unit (02 notarized copies);
    • Documents about the content, purpose of the press conference, performance license, etc.

    5. Workshops – Conferences

    Dossier to apply for a license to organize a conference - a seminar includes:

    • Legal documents certifying the legal status of the conference organizing agency such as: certificate of business registration, Decision on establishment of business or copy of certificate of establishment.
    • Application for a license to organize an event/conference.
    • Copies of documents on the content of the event or the project or conference plan
    • Copies of documents related to the venue, the customer's power of attorney for the event organizer.
    Organizing seminars - conferences
    Organizing seminars - conferences


    - Step 1: You need to prepare a complete and complete set of documents in accordance with the law and suitable for each specific event.

    - Step 2: Submit the application to the competent authority. Submit your application by one of the following methods:

    • Submit directly at the headquarters of the competent authority.
    • Submit by post or via the Internet (depending on the agency that can apply this method).

    - Step 3: The competent authority will review and appraise the content of the dossier. In case of necessity, the competent authority will request approval of the event or program or consult other relevant agencies.

    - Step 4: Receive the result of applying for an event permit

    On the date of appointment to return the results of administrative procedures, you will go to the competent agency to receive the Event License. However, in case the application is invalid or not eligible for licensing, the competent authority will issue a written notice to the applicant.

    The process of applying for an event permit
    The process of applying for an event permit


    - In the process of applying for an event permit, there may be bad situations such as having to adjust the content, add more documents, ... So you should not leave it close to the date of the event. New event proceed to apply for a permit.

    - Depending on the application for a permit, the competent authorities need time to consider and approve the application, not to mention holidays and holidays, so it is necessary to learn carefully to estimate the time to submit to receive the license. right according to your plan.

    - Before submitting the application, individuals and organizations should go to the competent authority for guidance on the application procedures and conditions to organize their events.

    Through the above article, HSV Media wants to share with customers the information on how to apply for an event permit. HSV Media hopes that you will know more useful information and thereby organize the most complete and successful events.

    HSV Media – the leading professional event organizer in Ho Chi Minh City

