The product launch ceremony is an important event for businesses to officially introduce and advertise a new, newly born product, service or brand to everyone. and plays a very important role in promoting the image, brand, products of the company and business to potential customers and partners. This is also the time when new products begin to approach and distribute to the market. In addition, the investment in organizing a professional product launch program also helps customers and partners have a better impression of the brand.


1. Introduce products and brands to everyone

This is the starting point for a business process of the enterprise. The event will directly introduce products and brands to help customers identify and distinguish new products of that brand.

2. Bring real experience

Actual experience will bring trust and the most objective evaluation from customers. In addition, the experience also facilitates customers to spread the word about the product to everyone through social networking sites.

When customers directly experience and use the product, customers will remember the product information longer and tell others about their pleasant experiences with the product.

3. Receive direct consumer feedback before selling to the market

Through the activities of observing and trying the products of the guests attending the event, it will help businesses update the feedback about the product before the product is sold on the market.

From that feedback, businesses will see the advantages and disadvantages of the product. From there, find out the points that are not suitable and have not met the needs of customers so that they can plan to fix those problems. This will ensure that the products that reach consumers will be the best quality products.

New Product Launch Event
New Product Launch Event

4. Create effective communication effects

When the event takes place publicly, it will attract attention and help many people know about the ceremony. In particular, announcing the event to people through media and social networks or directly inviting important customers and partners helps businesses create certain media effects. As a result, the product will be promoted more widely and create long-term effects for the business.


1. Learn about product information

The main purpose of the event is to promote and generate revenue for the new product of the business. Therefore, in order for the event to take place smoothly and successfully, to meet the requirements of customers, you need to learn carefully the information related to the product such as: uses, ingredients, market needs. field, user, etc.

2. Select the time to organize the program

The arrangement and choice of time to organize the program is also one of the top issues that need to be taken care of. In order for the event to attract many attendees, you should choose the time to hold the event on holidays such as weekends or holidays.

Musical Performance at New Product Launching Event ​
Musical Performance at New Product Launching Event ​

3. Determine the venue for the event

In order to show the scale and professionalism of the company, the event venue should be selected accordingly. In addition, you should choose places with spacious and novel spaces to impress guests and attendees.

4. Proposing new product launch ideas

The idea for the ceremony is the key to the success of the event. Therefore, from the idea to the organization, installation, and decoration, it must be carefully prepared and novel to create a highlight and impression with customers. Besides, unique ideas will help attract customers, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the ceremony. Therefore, you should take the product as the central and main idea for the ceremony.

5. Plan, timeline for the program

Planning, timeline to organize the product launch ceremony will help the event go more smoothly and smoothly. You can refer to the planning steps below:

- Make a list and send invitations to customers and partners

- Design and print products with media value used in the ceremony

- Conduct media work for the event

- Make a detailed script for the program

- Prepare musical performances, videos to be shown in the program

- Find a reputable event organizer

- Prepare tools and equipment for use in the program

- Conduct personnel selection, communication for the event

- Carrying out construction, decoration and planning for the program review

New Product Launch Ceremony
New Product Launch Ceremony

6. Conduct event communication

The communication before and after the event will help attract the attention of consumers and increase the popularity of the brand effectively. The communication of this event needs to be planned and implemented methodically with unique, creative and eye-catching promotional content to make an impression with customers. In addition, through communication, businesses can also promote their brands and affirm their position in the market.

7. Building a marketing system (Re-marketing)

To increase purchases and revenue for new products, businesses should build a marketing system to receive and collect feedback and reviews from customers. Through this information, you will know where customers are satisfied or dissatisfied with the product. From there, businesses can improve product quality better. In addition, through this marketing system, businesses will collect the number of potential customers and partners so that they can take care of and deploy appropriate marketing campaigns.


1. Welcoming guests to attend

First, you need to arrange personnel to receive and guide guests about the procedures, as well as the seating position in the ceremony. To increase professionalism, you can invite photographers to take pictures and enjoy the food served at the event. In addition, you should also arrange a reception team to stand around the seating area to guide and assist guests in a timely manner.

2. The opening ceremony of the show

After the guests have settled in, the MC will introduce the purpose of the event and stir up the atmosphere with musical performances. Next will be the speech of the leadership and gratitude to the participants, opening the program.

3. Introduction of product manufacturing process

When introducing products, you should combine with videos or slides to make the presentation more vivid and attractive. Then you should give your guests a chance to try and experience the new product.

New Product Launch Event
New Product Launch Event

4. New product launch ritual

The product launch ceremony is considered the most important moment of the ceremony. Therefore, you need to invest and prepare carefully for this ritual to be able to convey more messages to customers more effectively.

The more solemnly invested in the new product launch ceremony, the more it will attract customers' attention and create strong communication effects, affirming the position of the business.

5. New product experience

Through hands-on product experience, customers can quickly approach the product in the most natural way. Thereby, customers will have a more objective, realistic view and make valuable comments about the product.

6. End the event and give gifts

After the representative of the ceremony sent thanks and quality commitment to customers, the MC will close the program. Finally, the HR department and the front desk will see off and give souvenirs to the guests.


1. Choose program ideas and themes

The idea and theme of the program is an important factor to help the ceremony be successful and make a deep impression on the guests. Therefore, you need to choose unique and appropriate ideas and themes as well as carefully prepare even the smallest details to make the event more professional and perfect.

2. The staff in the program

To ensure the program is a success, you need to ensure that the number of people is adequate. Besides, any event has possible risks, therefore, when choosing a staff, you should also choose professional, experienced and skilled personnel. handle and handle situations well.

3. Performances in the new product launch ceremony

A program will include many different parts, so you should alternate cultural performances to create a vibrant atmosphere as well as attract the attention of guests. These performances will change the atmosphere and draw the audience into the ongoing program.

Art at New Product Launch Event
Art at New Product Launch Event

4. New product launch event organizer

To organize a successful event, you should choose reputable and professional units with many years of experience in the event industry. HSV Media is one of those companies that you can trust. With more than 11 years of experience, the company provides quality event service packages, preferential prices, trusted by many customers. Coming to HSV Media, we believe that you will be satisfied with the services we provide.


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