1. Similarities Between Inauguration Ceremony and Opening Ceremony

In fact, the inauguration ceremony and the opening ceremony both have the same purpose, which is to introduce and inform customers about putting a business or project into operation with the desire to bring more luck and development advantages. and success in the future.

Besides, the organizational form of the inauguration ceremony and the opening ceremony are similar such as the worshiping ceremony, the red ribbon cutting ceremony, etc., which makes many people misunderstand them as one.

2. The difference between the inauguration ceremony and the opening ceremony

Although there are many similarities, the properties of these two types are completely different:

- The opening ceremony is usually held to introduce and promote business activities. In addition, this event is usually held on the first day a store or business opens for sale.

- In contrast to the opening ceremony, the inauguration ceremony is often associated with completed construction projects. After the project is completed and put into operation, the inauguration ceremony will be held.

- In addition, in some cases such as resorts, factories, etc. After the construction is completed and immediately put into business, the inauguration ceremony and the opening ceremony will be done on the same day.

Opening ceremony
Opening ceremony


In order for the opening - inauguration ceremony to take place successfully and leave a mark on the business, we must prepare a detailed and specific event plan. In particular, the program content must make an impression on the guests attending and attract the attention of the customers.

1. Determining the goals and reasons for organizing the opening and inauguration ceremony

Bước đầu tiên trong việc lên kế hoạch tổ chức sự kiện là phải xác định mục tiêu doanh nghiệp muốn hướng tới là gì. Từ đó sẽ dựa trên mục đích chính để triển khai các phần tiếp theo sao cho phù hợp với doanh nghiệp và thu hút khách hàng hiệu quả. Đa số các doanh nghiệp tổ chức sự kiện khai trương - khánh thành đều vì mục đích chính là giới thiệu doanh nghiệp, sản phẩm và dịch vụ của mình đến với khách hàng và đối tác.

Factory inauguration
Khánh Thành Nhà Máy

2. Đối tượng khách hàng/đối tác cần hướng đến tại buổi lễ khai trương, khánh thành

Mỗi doanh nghiệp sẽ có những đối tượng khách hàng khác nhau. Việc xác định đối tượng khách hàng phù hợp với doanh nghiệp sẽ giúp nâng cao hiệu quả của buổi lễ và giúp doanh nghiệp đưa sản phẩm của mình tiếp cận khách hàng một cách nhanh nhất.

3. Ý tưởng và chủ đề của sự kiện khai trương, khánh thành

When determining the objective of the event, next we will proceed to come up with ideas that are suitable for the business and the audience. Creative ideas will help the opening ceremony become interesting, attract guests and make a mark for the business as well as bring strong communication elements, helping to promote the products of the business in a natural way. and most effective.

Opening event
Opening event

4. Determine the time and place

- Time:

Choosing the time - date of the opening ceremony is extremely important. According to the concept of choosing a beautiful date and time for the opening, it will contribute to making the business in the future go smoothly, smoothly and prosper. You can choose the date according to your wishes or ask the feng shui experts to choose a beautiful day, suitable for the horoscope of the business owner.

- Location:

- In addition, the choice of opening location is also extremely important. Choosing the right venue not only helps the program take place smoothly, but also shows the scale and importance of the event to the business.

- Usually the opening ceremony will take place right where the business wants to open. Therefore, before the organization, we need to survey the site to prepare for the construction, design and organization process, to avoid unnecessary risks during the event.


5. Media plan to promote the event

In order for the brand and products of the business to quickly reach many different customers, marketing and advertising activities are extremely necessary and important. The promotion of communication helps to enhance the image value of the company, promote the brand development and help the business be widely known and popular.

Depending on the size of the opening event, we can use media such as newspapers, television, social networks to introduce the project and products of the business.

Dragon Lion Dance
Dragon Lion Dance at the Opening Ceremony

6. Event risk management

In any event, big or small, there are hidden risks that can happen at any time. Therefore, the calculation and contingency planning for possible risks while organizing the event will help businesses to overcome and promptly handle all situations so that the event goes smoothly. and successful.


1. Make a guest list

Determine the audience and the business that you want to target to choose the right guests for the ceremony. Prepare invitation cards and welcome guests in the most thoughtful and professional way, contributing to creating sympathy and impressions for guests.

2. Prepare equipment for the opening and inauguration ceremony

To organize the opening and inauguration ceremony, it is necessary to prepare carefully for construction and decoration. The basic equipment needed to organize an event includes:

  • Sound and light system suitable for the number of guests attending.
  • Printing backdrop, banner, standee, ... according to the appropriate size.
  • Fresh flowers, electric firecrackers, paper fireworks are used to decorate the stage.
  • The opening ribbon cutting set includes: tray, scissors, red ribbon and flower pins.
  • Tea party or sweet party, drinks for the guests to attend.
  • Souvenirs for guests attending the ceremony.
Dance Performance at the Inauguration Ceremony

3. Construction, event decoration

In any event, the careful preparation of items, construction before the event is extremely important and must be carefully checked for the event to go smoothly.

  • At the entrance area: Hang banners and place advertising standees along the aisle and around the event area.
  • At the main stage: Install the stage according to the design, decorate the stage with red carpet, backdrop, fresh flowers, etc. Barie barriers are placed around the stage and the way to the stage.
  • At the reception area: Reception desk, set up teabreak table, drinks for guests to attend.
  • At the opening ceremony area: Arrange tables and chairs for guests. For VIP guests, you should prepare more flowers on the table and flowers on the chest to make it more formal and professional.
  • At the product display area: Setup, decorate the product display area and decorate the store.
Opening event
Opening ceremony


To organize the opening and inauguration ceremony perfectly and make a good impression on customers, choosing a reputable and professional event organizer will help businesses have a great event. the most successful and quality opening ceremony.

With a team of professional staff with more than 11 years of experience in organizing large and small events. HSV Media has been and will always try its best to bring the best quality services to customers, thereby affirming its prestige through each event. Coming to HSV Media, customers have the most successful events, giving a perfect business start to your business with an effective and professional opening event.

Customers/businesses please contact via hotline: 0362.209.208 or website advice and support.
