1. What is a conference organization?

A conference is a meeting of a group of people at a specified location and time with the purpose of discussing content that the group is interested in together. The seminar will discuss, share knowledge, experience, recommendations or debate on issues in many fields. The seminar will help businesses enhance their brand image, promote products and services and gain customer trust. In addition, the seminar also helps businesses solve unfinished problems.

2. What is conference organization?

A conference is an important organized meeting with the purpose of discussing major issues such as: work, plans or specific topics to summarize the operating process, through which everyone can learn together. Experiment and give new directions to help the company/business operate more effectively in the future. Depending on the purpose of organization, the conference will have different organizational forms.

Customer Conference
Customer Conference


1. Building a corporate brand

The seminar is considered a marketing activity to help promote brand image and enhance business reputation. Seminar events will be organized and decorated according to the cultural theme of the business, thereby, through the seminar, it will help bring the company's image closer to customers.

2. Create trust for customers

When the seminar is organized for the purpose of sharing business experiences and knowledge, it will attract the attention of many audiences. In particular, when conferences and seminars take place successfully, businesses will create a good impression on customers, from which customers will have more trust in the business.

3. Communication to promote products and services

Workshops and conferences are an opportunity for businesses to plan communication and promote their products and services. When businesses show videos about products and services when welcoming guests, they also unintentionally make viewers remember more about the business's business field.

Academic conference
Academic conference


PHASE 1: Prepare and plan the organization

1. Determine goals

Each conference always has different purposes. Once you have clearly determined the purpose of organizing the conference and workshop, it will help the meeting save time and bring better results. However, there are many conferences that waste time, the reason is that the organizer does not determine the organizational goals, therefore, the discussion will become meaningless, unfocused and unfocused. Does not attract viewers. Therefore, determining goals is an extremely important first step when wanting to organize conferences and seminars.

2. Make a list of invited guests

Making a guest list will help make it easier for the event to plan management tasks and determine the scale of the conference and seminar. More importantly, making a guest list will help businesses select potential guests and partners for the company.

3. Choose a suitable location

The number of guests will determine the appropriate organization size. From there, you will easily find a suitable space to organize conferences and seminars. When looking for a venue, you should pay attention to the meeting room equipment, convenient location, etc. When you choose a reasonable location, it will help the event limit unnecessary risks.

4. Communication about the event

When more people know about the conference, it will be an opportunity to help businesses conveniently find potential customers and partners.

Depending on the scale and purpose of a seminar - conference, there will be different communication processes. However, the basic steps of this communication process will include the following basic steps:

  • Send invitations to media units and reporters.
  • Create invitation cards for guests
  • Prepare basic materials to distribute to event attendees and conference materials to non-participants.
  • Gifts for guests attending and media units.
Cultural exchange conference
Cultural exchange conference

PHASE 2: Organize seminars and conferences

1. Prepare the seminar program content

Once a business has determined its goals and event attendees, it will certainly be easier to prepare the content of the seminar - conference. However, you need to pay attention to building the main topic well and come up with related topic ideas so that the conference can be more exciting.

2. Prepare and install meeting room equipment

Equipment systems such as LED screens, projectors, televisions, sound, lighting, etc. will help make presentations at conferences and seminars more coherent and attractive to attendees. For that reason, businesses should invest in renting the most modern and quality equipment to help the content and information at the meeting be conveyed more clearly and effectively.

3. Prepare a snack

If the conference schedule is long, you should prepare a snack or small party to rest in the middle of the session to avoid making guests tired when attending for too long a time. Even though the party is small, it will help make the meeting space comfortable and guests will also have time to relax to continue attending the meeting.

4. Estimated time to organize conferences and seminars

You should determine the time of the event to notify attendees in advance so they have time to arrange their work and fully attend the meeting. In addition, you need to estimate the time the conference will take place so you can plan the best preparation and backup plans. You should know that the more detailed you are in planning the conference, the more you will ensure the conference takes place on schedule and minimize unwanted risks.

Conference led screen
Conference led screen

Stage 3: After the conference ends

After finishing the seminar, you should summarize with a video that summarizes some of the main issues in the meeting so that customers can grasp the content in more detail.

In addition, this will be useful to evaluate the effectiveness of the workshop. From there, it helps the event organizer to gain experience for the next conferences. When sending guests home, businesses should have gifts to send to customers. This is an effective way for businesses to win their hearts as well as attract customers to attend the following conference programs.


1. Event sound and lighting system

Audio equipments
Audio equipments
Light equipment
Light equipment

2. Program theme background (backdrop, led screen)

conference led screen
Conference led screen

3. Main stage for the show

Event stage
Event stage

4. Event tent

Event tent
Event tent

5. Tables and chairs for delegates

Tables and chairs for delegates
Tables and chairs for delegates

6. Tables and chairs for VIP guests

Tables and chairs for guests
Tables and chairs for guests

7. Carpets and walkways for events

Event red carpet
Event red carpet

8. Podium

Event podium
Event podium

9. Barrier posts lead the way into the event center

Event barrier
Barrier posts lead the way into the event center

10. Welcome gate for conferences and seminars

Event welcome gate
Event welcome gate


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